

Page history last edited by Hunter 9 years, 7 months ago

  1. Skins
    1. Classic Colossus (cos 1; credit: GUANG0706)
    2. Great Ape (cos 1; credit: unknown)
    3. Hollywood Hogan (cos 1; credit: tekken57)
    4. Mech Zangief v2.5 (cos 1; credit: kaxblastard and alekqz)
    5. Mr. T (cos 1; credit: sensibeat)
    6. Neo Cyclone (cos 1; credit: Oook121)
    7. Red Cyclone Masked (cos 1; credit: Oook121)
    8. Thing from Fantastic Four (cos 1; credit: hornyyoshi)
    9. Extreme Tattooed (cos 1; credit: Farcryer)
    10. Flames & Fishnet T-shirt (cos 1; credit: Farcryer)
    11. Haggar (cos 2; credit: Kraga Phan)
      1. Streetwise Pack (credit: Kraga Phan and monkeygigabuster92)
      2. Haggar 10-color Pack (credit: Kraga Phan and monkeygigabuster92)
      3. Updated for v2014 (credit: Kraga Phan and monkeygigabuster92)
    12. Zanzinger Z (cos 3; credit: hornyyoshi)
    13. Alt Costume Mix (cos ...?; credit: sensibeat)
    14. Bald/Realism Pack (cos 1; credit: kenji490)
    15. Human Mech (cos 3; credit: monkeygigabuster92)
    16. At The Beach (cos ...? ; credit: sloth86)
    17. Death Power Wrestler (cos 1; credit: Arleklown)
    18. Sikh Officer (cos ...?; includes bac/bcm+vfx; credit: Anish Singh)
    19. Hood, Jeans, Cap and Glasses (cos ...?; credit: Anish Singh)
    20. Hugo (cos ...?; credit: Anish Singh)
    21. Sketchy (credit: lion589)
    22. Wreck it Ralph (credit: salim)
      1. With Shirt (credit: salim)
    23. With Gi (credit: salim)
    24. BASS Leather Jacket (credit: dsFOREST)
    25. Sardarji (credit: Anish Singh)
    26. SFxT Alt (credit: velet)
    27. Russian Bodyguard (credit: salim)
    28. Iron Armor (credit: kenji490)
    29. Chernobyl Mutant Pack (credit: MaesterWar)
    30. Garrosh Hellscream 10-color Pack (credit: MaesterWar)
      1. Updated for Ultra
    31. Iron Man Hulk Buster 10-color Pack (credit: salim)
    32. Baymax (credit: salim)
    33. Hulk Buster New (credit: salim)
    34. Doomsday (credit: salim)
  2. Moveset Mods
    1. Firebreather (credit: Anish Singh)
      1. v2 (credit: Anish Singh)
  3. Voice Mods
  4. VFX
  5. Character Select Portraits and Huds



Classic Colossus (cos 1; credit: GUANG0706)


Download:  http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?at7zpccwvv1vour


Great Ape (cos 1; credit: unknown)


Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?52vteov0xa725pm


Hollywood Hogan (cos 1; credit: tekken57)


Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?r9zxdpbek489jbt


Mech Zangief v2.5 (cos 1; credit: kaxblastard and alekqz)


Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?nwk3uuwutvl7300


Mr. T (cos 1; credit: sensibeat)


Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dw1ruwqmose2he0


Neo Cyclone (cos 1; credit: Oook121)


Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?59eayb54891mx84


Red Cyclone Masked (cos 1; credit: Oook121)


Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?itzh2gyvrb9qijn


Thing from Fantastic Four (cos 1; credit: hornyyoshi)


Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?554wvl5e2kszf7n


Extreme Tattooed (cos 1; credit: Farcryer)

Preview: http://www.abload.de/img/zangiefextremetattooedz0jh.jpg

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ioonima5u1r7vfn


Flames & Fishnet T-shirt (cos 1; credit: Farcryer)

Preview: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=zangiefflamesfishnett-m1jw.jpg

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?pdhc5j786xg601p


Haggar (cos 2; credit: Kraga Phan)

Part of "Final Fight Pack," which includes Cody and Guy mods by monkeygigabuster92

Preview & Download: http://monkeygigabuster.deviantart.com/art/SF-Final-Fight-Costume-Pack-245419259

Streetwise Pack (credit: Kraga Phan and monkeygigabuster92)

Preview & Download: http://monkeygigabuster.deviantart.com/art/Final-Fight-Streetwise-pack-245597991

Haggar 10-color Pack (credit: Kraga Phan and monkeygigabuster92)

Preview & Download: http://monkeygigabuster.deviantart.com/art/SFIV-Zangief-Haggar-10-color-pack-295602706

Updated for v2014 (credit: Kraga Phan and monkeygigabuster92)

Preview & Download: http://monkeygigabuster.deviantart.com/art/SSFIVAE-Final-Fight-pack-Vol-2-462404852



Zanzinger Z (cos 3; credit: hornyyoshi)

Preview & Download: http://hornyyoshi.deviantart.com/art/Zanzinger-Z-252204330


Alt Costume Mix (cos ...?; credit: sensibeat)

Preview: http://seemypic.net/images/normal/7727/zgf-alternates-mix.jpg

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4el1qf6vukrmu47/ZGF_Alternates_Mix.zip


Bald/Realism Pack (cos 1; credit: kenji490)

Preview: http://images.wwe.in.th/uploads/1320162042.jpg

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?zemfbrv97v99kec


Human Mech (cos 3; credit: monkeygigabuster92)

Preview & Download: http://monkeygigabuster.deviantart.com/art/Human-mech-zangief-266368897


At The Beach (cos ...? ; credit: sloth86)

Preview & Download: http://sloth85.deviantart.com/art/SSF4AE-Zangief-At-the-Beach-costume-295039545


Death Power Wrestler (cos 1; credit: Arleklown)

Preview & Download: http://arleklown.deviantart.com/art/SSF4-AE-MOD-DEATH-POWER-ZANGIEF-293244124?q=gallery%3Aarleklown%2F36215584&qo=4


Sikh Officer (cos ...?; includes bac/bcm+vfx; credit: Anish Singh)

Preview & Download: http://gpsingh6375.deviantart.com/art/Zangief-as-a-Sikh-Officer-317737024


Hood, Jeans, Cap and Glasses (cos ...?; credit: Anish Singh)

Preview & Download: http://gpsingh6375.deviantart.com/art/zangief-s-costume-321554663


Hugo (cos ...?; credit: Anish Singh)

Preview & Download: http://gpsingh6375.deviantart.com/art/Hugo-in-sf4-322283258


Sketchy (credit: lion589)

Preview: http://s14.postimage.org/n0gxyrg29/SSFIV.jpg

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?dqqu3d0hql1qidr


Wreck it Ralph (credit: salim)

Preview: http://i.imgur.com/IOcjd.jpg

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?v5y3xm4zpl5cza5

With Shirt (credit: salim)

Preview: http://i.imgur.com/geqX9.jpg

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?escvye8t3ivtihy


With Gi (credit: salim)

Preview: http://i.imgur.com/zIXaj.jpg

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?qdbccpudpq7n8h9


BASS Leather Jacket (credit: dsFOREST)

Preview & Download: http://dsforest.deviantart.com/art/SSF4AE-Zangief-BASS-s-leather-jacket-costume-MOD-350261154


Sardarji (credit: Anish Singh)

Preview & Download: http://aaniishh12.deviantart.com/art/Sardarji-364094331


SFxT Alt (credit: velet)

Preview: http://i.imgur.com/co1nokF.jpg

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?efxbvg3c9lab2mh


Russian Bodyguard (credit: salim)

Preview: http://i.imgur.com/uprzTcc.jpg

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?e4s2n1rscfubnq6


Iron Armor (credit: kenji490)

Preview & Download: http://streetmodders.deviantart.com/art/Zangief-IronArmor-446089806


Chernobyl Mutant Pack (credit: MaesterWar)

Preview & Download: http://maesterlee.deviantart.com/art/Zangief-Chernobyl-Mutant-Pack-448302592


Garrosh Hellscream 10-color Pack (credit: MaesterWar)

Preview & Download: maesterlee.deviantart.com/art/Garrosh-Hellscream-Zangief-10-pack-451517542

Updated for Ultra

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/o580f37j8q3b5/Ultra_Street_Fighter_4_model_updates


Iron Man Hulk Buster 10-color Pack (credit: salim)

Preview & Download: http://salimano3.deviantart.com/art/Zangief-as-Iron-Man-Hulk-Buster-500008191


Baymax (credit: salim)

Preview & Download: http://salimano3.deviantart.com/art/Zangief-Baymax-520617175


Hulk Buster New (credit: salim)

Preview & Download: http://salimano3.deviantart.com/art/Zangief-hulkbuster-543856118


Doomsday (credit: salim)

Preview & Download: http://salimano3.deviantart.com/art/Zangief-Doomsday-544717941


Moveset Mods


Firebreather (credit: Anish Singh)

Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bZJblTjRLxs

Download: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B6lhWrSDDReYV24yOUtXMWNfbW8

v2 (credit: Anish Singh)

Preview & Download: http://gpsingh6375.deviantart.com/gallery/41923670#/d5loe7


Voice Mods






Character Select Portraits and Huds



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